Magento 2 – How to Update Order Tracking Number Using REST API


I am passing data to update tracking code :

$userData = [
    "entity" => [
            "paymentStatusId" => 10
            "orderStatusId" => 8
            "tracking_code" => "237948723894789234"
            "comment" => "Neuer Kommentar"
            "transactionId" => 0


But it's returning below response. Please help me in passing the data for update tracking number or any order fields.

enter image description here


[2017-01-13 09:48:32] main.CRITICAL: exception 'LogicException'
with message 'Property "PaymentStatusId" does not have corresponding
setter in class "Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderAddressInterface".' in
Stack trace:

Best Answer

Go to > salesShipmentTrackRepositoryV1


  "entity": {
    "order_id": 345,
    "parent_id": 1,
    "entity_id": 1,
    "weight": 0,
    "qty": 0,
    "description": "Tracking code Descripton",
    "track_number": "1234567",
    "title": "Custom Tracking Code",
    "carrier_code": "custom"
  • Parent Id - parent_id: is the foreign key from sales_shipment table.
  • Entity Id - entity_id(optional): is the entity id of sales_shipment_track table.
  • Carrier Code: Custom (custom), DHL (dhl), Federal Express (fedex), etc..

You can take a look some tables: sales_shipment, sales_shipment_track.



$userData = array("username" => "admin", "password" => "test1234");
$ch = curl_init("http://mage21.loc/rest/V1/integration/admin/token");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($userData));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json", "Content-Lenght: " . strlen(json_encode($userData))));

$token = curl_exec($ch);

$shiptrack = [
    "entity" => [
        "order_id"=> 347, //can find in `sales_shipment_track` and `sales_shipment`
        "parent_id" => 145, //can find in `sales_shipment_track` and `sales_shipment`
        "entity_id"=> 1, //can find in `sales_shipment_track`. Removing it if want to create a new shipment track.
        "weight"=> 0,
        "qty"=> 0,
        "description"=> "Tracking code Description",
        "track_number"=> "1234567",
        "title"=> "Custom Tracking Code",
        "carrier_code"=> "custom"

$ch = curl_init("http://magen21.loc/rest/V1/shipment/track");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($shiptrack));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json", "Authorization: Bearer " . json_decode($token)));

$result = curl_exec($ch);

$result = json_decode($result, 1);
echo '<pre>';print_r($result);

CREATE NEW SHIPMENT TRACK: If we want to create the new shipment track, we need to remove entity_id param.

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