Magento 1.7 – Prevent Module Rewrite Class Conflict


I have a class rewrite problem in Magento Onepage Checkout as I have a custom module in the local code pool and a third party extension in the community code pool both extending the same class…

I've tried to add a depends node to the ModuleA_Name.xml file of one module then extend the class of ModuleB in the Onepage.php file but this hasn't worked.

Could someone give me heads up on how to do this I know there is another way to do it using an Observer but I could really just need a solution at the moment? Also, would it be dangerous for me to use a dependency since ModuleB may only be enabled for different store/views would that mean the dependent module would no longer work?

Thanks in advance for the assistance…








Best Answer

You have 3 choices for resolving conflicts:

  • Merge the code from one conflicting file into another and switch off the rewrite config.xml in one
  • Switch off the rewrite in one config.xml and then make the conflicting extension PHP file extend the other extension
  • Use the <depends> capability to make one extension depend on another. They will then rewrite in that order

Example (option # 2)

class A_Extension_Model_Type_Onepage extends Mage_Checkout_Model_Type_Onepage

You would change it to:

class A_Extension_Model_Type_Onepage extends B_Extension_Model_Type_Onepage


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