How to Prevent Orders Based on Shipping Address in Magento


We're experiencing a high volume of fraud orders with the same city as the shipping address.

If we could block the city, or a list of zip codes we will avoid all this issues.

Is there a way to prevent orders being placed, based on the value of the shipping address?

Best Answer

You can use sales_order_place_before event to stop these zip codes.

In your config (this is part of config.xml)


In your observer you can have this function:

public function stopOrder($observer)
    $order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
    $address = $order->getShippingAddress();
    $postCode = $address->getPostcode();

    $listOfCodes = array('2144', '456', '555');

    //now your condition
    if(in_array($postCode, $listOfCodes)){
       Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->addError('This Postcode is blocked');


I haven't tested but this should do the trick for you.