Magento – How To Properly Display Weight vs Destination Table Rates


First time using Magento. Still learning the ins and outs of this software. I am trying to setup table rates… but my CSV file that I keep uploading keeps yielding an error.

How would I write this in an CSV file, so Magento understands what I want?:

"Orders shipped to anywhere in the US weighing less than 5
pounds should charge $10 for shipping. Weighing more than 5 but less
than 10 pounds should charge $20 for shipping, and all other orders
should be charged $30 for shipping."

This is what I want to accomplish.

Here is what I have:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Just export a CSV and have a look on the plenty tutorials about table rates.

You have to insert the land in ISO-3 code, so

USA, *, *, 0, 10
USA, *, *, 5, 20
USA, *, *, 10, 30

Should it. Maybe I forgot something, only wrote it down, though.