Magento 2 Localisation – How to Properly Translate Strings in JavaScript


Say I have a piece of custom JavaScript loaded in some pages of my store. This JavaScript serves the purpose of interactivity and can display some text. How would I make it multi-langual like I would with the __("string"); format in PHP?

Say i.e. I have this piece of JavaScript:

$('.readmorebutton').click(function() {
    if (! $('.readmore').hasClass('open') ) {
        $('.readmorebutton').text('Show less'); //How to translate?
    } else {
        $('.readmorebutton').text('Read More'); //How to translate?

note: JS is taken out of context and stripped down; the working of it is not the issue, the translating of the text is.

Best Answer

Write your strings to be translated like so:


$('.readmorebutton').click(function() {
    if (! $('.readmore').hasClass('open') ) {
        $('.readmorebutton').text($.mage.__('Show less')); //How to translate?
    } else {
        $('.readmorebutton').text($.mage.__('Read More')); //How to translate?

Magento then should use the same translation files as your PHP/HTML code.

Don't forget to clear caches and re-deploy static content afterwards.

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