Magento – How to redirect a category page link to CMS page link in Magento 2


I want to redirect my category link to some cms page. Could anyone tell me how to do so? Any help will be appreciated.

@Kho TruongDinh As you specified, I have used URL rewrite, but it did not work for me..

What I really did is… I created a category 'Type', and I created a cms page for that category as 'type-page'.

Then I went to URL rewrites.

enter image description here

I wrote a URL rewrite as below.
enter image description here
But now, the redirect is not working, it still shows the default category page. Any solution????

Best Answer

Seems that you created a wrong url rewrite.

"Request path" is the path that you actually see in your browser's address bar. So in your case it should be type.html instead of "catalog/category/view/id/4.

Before doing this, you should know that in case you already have a category with type.html url key then Magento will not allow you to create a new url rewrite with the same request path. So firstly you need to find and delete the existing url rewrite.

I've just tried this steps on my local machine and it works fine.

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