Magento 2 – How to Redirect Simple Products to Parent Grouped Product


I have simple products that are part of a grouped product, however, when you click on the simple product in the search it does not take the user to the associated parent grouped product – it goes to the simple product page. I need this to redirect to the parent grouped product page as this site will only have one 'child' simple product to one 'parent' grouped product.

How can I accomplish this?

An example is at the following URL:

If you search for the SKU number JRS10 it will show the simple product. When you click on that simple product it should redirect to the grouped product.

Best Answer

Here is a workaround did. I created a text attribute and allowed it to be searchable on the front-end. Then I added the SKU's of the associated simple products to that attribute on the grouped product page. I had to type each SKU in manually and separate them by a comma so it is not as efficient.

The result is a user can search for a simple product SKU and the grouped product that the simple product is associated with will show in the search results.

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