Magento 1.9 – Redirect to CMS Page After Login Using Ajax Module


I am using Magento 1.9 on localhost with wamp. I am using an ajax login and register module which redirects to customer account. The login and register are on the homepage. I am trying to redirect to a custom cms page after login, or after registering. I've contacted the developper but so far no replies, so I thought I would try here.

The template file which is used for the homepage, for login forms and register forms looks like this:

<?php // If user is not logged in ?>
<?php if (Mage::helper('customer')->isLoggedIn() != true) : ?>

<div class="account-login">
<!-- login form here -->

<div class="account-register">
<!-- register form here -->

<?php /* else if the user is logged in */ 
else :

// redirect to

endif; ?>

so far I've tried:

<?php /* else if the user is logged in */ 
else :
endif; ?>

That gave me the following error in Magento:

Invalid method Youama_Ajaxlogin_Block_Ajaxlogin::_redirectUrl(Array
    [0] =>

note: $this->_redirectUrl($url); and $this->_redirect($url); gave the same error message.

I tried another way:


That gave an error in Firefox saying that there is a redirect loop problem. Another try was:


That also gave an error in Firefox saying that there is a redirect loop problem

I've read that there are ways to redirect to external links wich should specifically be used for that, and then other methods of redirecting. I believe I should edit the module controller to make the redirection work.

The ajax login module controller ( AccountController.php ) looks like this :

class Youama_Ajaxlogin_AccountController extends Mage_Customer_AccountController

     * @var string
    protected $_url;

     * Before actions.
     * @return Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action|void
    public function preDispatch()
        $this->_url = Mage::getBaseUrl() . '?yregister';


     * Disable login action.
    public function loginAction()

     * Disable create action.
    public function createAction()

     * Redirect to home.
    protected function _setLocation()

I believe I have to add or change some lines of code there in order to be able to use $this->_redirectUrl($url); or $this->_redirect($url);

Any help would really be appreciated at this point, I'd love to understand how this works.

Best Answer

Just change:




if using then try


to EDIT: First of all _redirect is not a block class function,it is a controller function.You need direction then used the code

