Magento – How to remove block from left sidebar


I'm using rwd package, Magento 1.8. I'm getting two blocks on left sidebar, Popular Tags and COMPANY block containing About Us, Contact us, Customer Service,
Privacy Policy. I can remove Popuar Tags using <remove name="tags_popular"/> in local.xml but can't get rid of COMPANY block. Any suggestions how this can be done from local.xml?


Best Answer

You can do one of following to remove company block

Choice 1 : From admin

Login to admin panel and navigate to : Admin > CMS > Static Blocks

Find cms_menu in Identifier column. Open cms_menu block.

Set block status to Disabled. Save CMS block.

Choice:2 : using local.xml

<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="left">
            <remove name="cms_menu"/>

Note: Don't forget to clear cache.

Hope this make sence to you