How to Remove Edit and Delete Button from Minicart in Magento 2


I tried,


I removed below lines

       <div class="product actions">
            <!-- ko if: is_visible_in_site_visibility -->
            <div class="primary">
                <a data-bind="attr: {href: configure_url, title: $t('Edit item')}" class="action edit">
                    <span data-bind="i18n: 'Edit'"></span>
            <!-- /ko -->
            <div class="secondary">
                <a href="#" data-bind="attr: {'data-cart-item': item_id, title: $t('Remove item')}"
                   class="action delete">
                    <span data-bind="i18n: 'Remove'"></span>

But still there is no effect. Can anyone tell me the correct way to do?

Best Answer

Do not change directly core files, you should override default.html in custom theme

Copy vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/web/template/minicart/item/default.html


And now remove product actions div(Edit And Delete div) from default.html

There are two way to see changes of static files

  1. By removing the same file from pub/static OR

  2. Do static-content:deploy

For example this case you should remove default.html from pub/static/frontend/vendor/theme/en_US/Magento_Checkout/template/minicart/item/default.html and flush cache to see changes.

Or run this command to clear static files from pub

php bin:magento setup:static-content:deploy

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