Magento – How to remove page title (h1) from home page, cms_index_index.xml not working


I´m trying to remove the home page main title on my custom theme (wich is running on top of luma theme).

I´ve tried to add the usual tag to remove, as follows (and as it was already answered here), full content of my current cms_index_index.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
        <referenceBlock name="page.main.title" remove="true"/>

I´ve already tried other aproaches such as

<referenceBlock name="page.main.title" display="false"/>


<referenceBlock name="cms_page" display="false"/>

With no success either. Cache is being cleaned and files deployed.
The cms_index_index.xml file i´m working in is located on folder


What other options do i have? Why isn´t this aproach working?

Best Answer

have you tried in cms_index_index.xml something like this?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 * Copyright © 2016 Magento. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.
<page xmlns:xsi="" layout="1column" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
        <referenceBlock name="page.main.title" remove="true" />