Magento 2.1.8 Category – How to Remove Category Title on Category Pages


I am trying to remove the category title on category pages on Magento 2.1.8. I got this page vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/layout/catalog_category_view.xml and removed this-

 <referenceBlock name="page.main.title">
            <argument name="id" xsi:type="string">page-title-heading</argument>
            <argument name="add_base_attribute_aria" xsi:type="string">page-title-heading toolbar-amount</argument>
        <block class="Magento\Catalog\Block\Category\Rss\Link" name="" template="Magento_Catalog::category/rss.phtml"/>

I took that file and added it to app/design/frontend/mytheme/theme/module-catalog/view/frontend/layout/catalog_category_view.xml

I cleaned and flushed the cache and it didn't work. So I did a little bit of research and came across this-

and it recommended putting it in this folder


I tried that, flushed and cleaned the cache and still nothing. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Turns out you can't just delete the code. I kept the code in there and added <referenceBlock name="page.main.title" remove="true"/> and it removed it.

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