Magento – How to render the bundle options in product list


How can I render the bundle options in product list

I tried to add the block

<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('bundle/catalog_product_view_type_bundle', '', array('template'=> 'bundle/catalog/product/view/type/bundle/options.phtml'))->toHtml(); ?>

inside the list.phtml for each bundled product in $_productCollection but its not working.
Do I need to create a module with blocks having methods of catalog and bundle modules?
I am new to Magento. Please help. I tried everything I can.

Best Answer

That is not an easy issue, mostly because of complex JavaScript. It is not used to list of bundles and I'd recommend to write own js library to present bundle options. Don't waste time and efforts trying to fix or reuse magento library.

There are a lot of examples how to take options. (

Render them itself.

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