Magento – How to reset a specific order by column


I have a product collection that use a addAttributeToSort.

Now there exists a sort filter in the frontend to sort products e.g. for price or date.

When I click that filter in the frontend I have to reset my first order by.
But now the problem is I can only reset the order after the frontend runs his new order.

So my question is there a possibility to reset only specific order by columns or can I only reset all order at once?

Best Answer

The available sorting methods are

addOrder(), setOrder(), unshiftOrder(), addAttributeToSort() and getSelect()->order()

Only setOrder($field, $dir) is available regardless of collection type and system settings. I suggest you get used to using setOrder().

If you need to enforce an order, but an order is already set on the collection, use unshiftOrder($field, $dir) for flat table collections.

For EAV collections you need to do

$col->getSelect()->reset(Zend_Db_Select::ORDER); And then use $col->setOrder($field, $dir);


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