Magento – How To Resolve Magento ReIndexing Errors In Magento 1.9.1 Store


How To Resolve Magento ReIndexing Errors In Magento 1.9.1 Store please find the below image

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When I reindex product prices it is showing below error

There was a problem with reindexing process.
SQLSTATE[21S01]: Insert value list does not match column list: 1136 Column count doesn't match value count at row 1, query was: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_index_price_final_idx` SELECT `inner`.`entity_id`, `inner`.`customer_group_id`, `inner`.`website_id`, `inner`.`tax_class_id`, `inner`.`orig_price`, `inner`.`price`, `inner`.`min_price`, MAX(inner.max_price) AS `max_price`, `inner`.`tier_price`, `inner`.`base_tier` FROM (SELECT e.entity_id AS `entity_id`, pi.customer_group_id AS `customer_group_id`, cw.website_id AS `website_id`, pi.tax_class_id AS `tax_class_id`, pi.price AS `orig_price`, pi.final_price AS `price`, pi.final_price AS `min_price`, pi.final_price AS `max_price`, pi.tier_price AS `tier_price`, pi.tier_price AS `base_tier` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_super_link` AS `l` ON l.parent_id = e.entity_id INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `ce` ON ce.entity_id = l.product_id INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_price_idx` AS `pi` ON ce.entity_id = pi.entity_id INNER JOIN `core_website` AS `cw` ON pi.website_id = cw.website_id INNER JOIN `core_store_group` AS `csg` ON csg.website_id = cw.website_id AND cw.default_group_id = csg.group_id INNER JOIN `core_store` AS `cs` ON csg.default_store_id = cs.store_id AND cs.store_id != 0 CROSS JOIN `cataloginventory_stock` AS `cis` LEFT JOIN `cataloginventory_stock_item` AS `cisi` ON cisi.stock_id = cis.stock_id AND cisi.product_id = ce.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `tad_status` ON tad_status.entity_id = ce.entity_id AND tad_status.attribute_id = 84 AND tad_status.store_id = 0 LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `tas_status` ON tas_status.entity_id = ce.entity_id AND tas_status.attribute_id = 84 AND tas_status.store_id = cs.store_id INNER JOIN `cataloginventory_stock_status` AS `ciss` ON ciss.product_id = e.entity_id AND ciss.website_id = cw.website_id WHERE (e.type_id='configurable') AND (ciss.stock_status = 1) ORDER BY IF(IF(cisi.use_config_manage_stock = 0 AND cisi.manage_stock = 0, 1, cisi.is_in_stock), 1, 0) DESC, pi.final_price ASC, pi.price ASC) AS `inner` GROUP BY `inner`.`entity_id`, `inner`.`customer_group_id`, `inner`.`website_id` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `tax_class_id` = VALUES(`tax_class_id`), `orig_price` = VALUES(`orig_price`), `price` = VALUES(`price`), `min_price` = VALUES(`min_price`), `max_price` = VALUES(`max_price`), `tier_price` = VALUES(`tier_price`), `base_tier` = VALUES(`base_tier`), `group_price` = VALUES(`group_price`), `base_group_price` = VALUES(`base_group_price`)`

How to rectify this issue?

Best Answer

This is a problem with extension: Simple Configurable Products.

The indexer is trying to insert 10 values into table which have 12 columns.

This diff shows the fix

Older Magento versions didn't have products grouping and this is why SCP extension doesn't support two additional columns.

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