Magento2.3 – How to Resolve ‘The Store That Was Requested Wasn’t Found’ Error


I don't know why it is not accessing my orders page in backend admin, When I navigating to Admin dashboard -> Sales -> Orders. I am having this issue "The store that was requested wasn't found. Verify the store and try again." I cannot able to see my orders list, I can able to see an order from customers view but not in orders.

In logs, I have below text

    main.CRITICAL: The store that was requested wasn't found. Verify the store and try again. [] []
[2019-11-18 23:27:17] main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'global_notices' element cannot be added as child to 'global.notices', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2019-11-18 23:27:17] main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'logo' element cannot be added as child to 'header', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2019-11-18 23:27:17] main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' an element cannot be added as a child to 'header', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2019-11-18 23:27:17] main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'user' element cannot be added as child to 'header', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2019-11-18 23:27:17] main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'menu' element cannot be added as a child to 

Please help me to fix this issue. I have a project deadline. below is the attachment. Please suggest the best solution for this, I tried a few solutions from StackOverflow but no luck. Thank you.

enter image description here
Issue at Sales-> Orders Grid

enter image description here
My stores table
Please let me know how to fix it

Best Answer

What version of Mailchimp module do you have? this is an old issue, and you can fix it updating them module to the current version. Take a look at to know what version you must install

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