Magento 1.9 Database – Save Data from System Configuration Custom Module


I need some urgent information, I want to save data from my custom module in my database. I did some part but i don't know further Process. Please Help Me Guys.

This Is my system.xml file-

    <earthfedex translate="label">
      <tab>catalog</tab> <!-- the important one -->
                <settings translate="label">
                    <label>General Settings</label>


                        <active translate="label">
                            <label>Enable Fedex Extension</label>

                     <fedex_acc translate="label">
                    <label>Fedex Account Details</label>
                        <key translate="label" >


                      <pass translate="label">





I want to store values from 2 fields
1.Fedex Account Password

How to do this?
If you want any information please let me know.
Thank You

Best Answer

Add <backend_model> tag in to your field.

Backend Model – a class which allows to operate with configuration data on the different stages (save, load).

It contains three major methods respectively for each event: _afterLoad(), _beforeSave() and _afterSave().

So you can use _afterSave() method.

Eg :

    <label>Blocked Email Addresses</label>

Backend Model Class :


class Namespace_YourModule_Model_System_Config_Backend_Yourfile extends Mage_Core_Model_Config_Data
    protected function _afterSave()
        if (is_array($this->getValue())) {
            /* You can perform your logic here */

I have Refer this Link