Magento 1.9 – How to See Error Page Previews


As the question implies:

I've created a new errors theme in /error/custom/ and edited the layout.xml to show the new error pages but I don't know how to test them??

Does anyone know how to force an error or preview the error pages?

By this I mean its easy to force a 404 error just visit and it will produce a 404 error.

But how would I force a 500 error or a 503 error? So that I can see that I can preview my changes.

Best Answer

Inside of the errors directory are a few files. One is 503.php and the other is 404.php. Just point your browser there and it will render those pages:

http:// magento.localdev/errors/503.php

http:// magento.localdev/errors/404.php

To see what a production error would show use report.php:

http:// magento.localdev/errors/report.php

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