Magento 1.9 PayPal – Send Different Currency


I am not sure if this is a Magento or a PayPal setup, but here is my problem:

Our Magento has the base currency is US Dollar. All my products have US Dollar price. I also have multiple websites in my Magento for different countries. When someone access from a different country (Canada, for example), the user will see the prices in Canadian Dollar.

I am doing that using Magento Conversion Rate and setting my Canadian website to use Canadian Dollar as default currency. So the product is still in US Dollar but Magento converts it to show in the frontend as Canadian Dollar.

The problem is, when the user selects PayPal to make the purchase, Magento is sending the price to PayPal in US Dollar, and then PayPal will convert it to Canadian Dollar (using a different conversion rate than ours).

Is there a way to fix that (send the amount in Canadian Dollar to PayPal)? Right now we have a discount in our conversion rate and the user is "paying more" because PayPal is using their own rates.

Thank you!

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