Magento – How to set default Product In Websites attribute for all new products


When adding new products you have to set Product In Websites attribute in Websites tab. Is there a way to set a default website automatically? I only have one website, so I think it is an unnecessary step to check the main website checkbox for every product. Am I wrong?

Best Answer

Did you try? If you only have one website you don't need - afaik - to add the product to the website. it is enough when you enable the product.

Good way

Not so easy way? Write a module, add a layout.xml file and change the template of the tab_websites block in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/catalog.xml:261 and then copy the template and change it.

Easy and hacked way

Change app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/catalog/product/edit/action/websites.phtml