Magento2 – How to Set Order Increment ID While Creating Order Dynamically


I am creating orders in magento 2 programatically but i cannot know how to set increment Id for orders , client's want to migrate old order into magento 2 , so we already have order increment id but


Does not set order increment id like it does in magento 1 , i am creating order using this tutorial

i searched similar question but found none on how to set it while creating the order ,
i don't want to change increment id of the magento order that we have in our website
i just want that when i create an order programatically it should have same increment id number that we have in the excel data .

This question is not related to change increment id in any way , so please don't suggest to open database and make changes to order tables.

here is how i am creating the order ,

    public function createOrder($orderData) {
    $websiteId = $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getWebsiteId();

    $customer= $this->customerRepository->getById($customer->getEntityId());

    //here i want to use order increment id that are present in the data 

    foreach($orderData['items'] as $item){



    $quote->getPayment()->importData(['method' => 'checkmo']);
    $order = $this->quoteManagement->submit($quote);
    $increment_id = $order->getRealOrderId();

        $result['order_id']= $order->getRealOrderId();
        echo "order created";
        $result=['error'=>1,'msg'=>'Error while creating order'];
        echo "error in order creation";

    return $result;

please suggest how to set increment id according to what present in the data , the data has order increment id as #1009


these increment id present inside the data are not in auto increment format , as you can see we have order increment id 1006 and then have 1008 but do not have 1007 , and i want them to be exactly what they are , so these orders could be referenced later for historic purposes .

Best Answer

You should use $quote->setReservedOrderId() instead of $qoute->setIncrementId().

Changing that line, should do the trick:

//here i want to use order increment id that are present in the data 

Anyway you must take care of possible conflicts when saveing the order if those increment_ids are already used in the database.

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