Magento – How to set up properly Cron job on shared hosting


I'm trying to set up correctly the Cron job for my Magento so i can send the newsletter.

I've seen many guides but any of them worked for me.

Here is my PHP info file:

For now any Cron job is running for my Magento, i need to set it up!

Can you please give me the command i should place in my cPanel so it will run ot every 5 minutes.

My Magento version is

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

In shared hosting (using cPanel), you can setup your cron in Advanced section -> Cron Jobs

In Common Settings field, select once every five minutes in the dropdown.

In Command, put the following action (if your Magento root is public_html)

/bin/sh /home/sportsdi/public_html/

Add that cron job and your cron should be up and running.

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