Auto Invoice Generation – How to Stop with Credit Card or Paypal


I need to stop Magento (version from generating invoices automatically with credit card or paypal payment methods.

I look at registerCaptureNotification() in app/code/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Payment.php. If I comment out the following code snippet:

if (!$invoice) {
        if ($this->_isCaptureFinal($amount)) {
            // comment out the following to stop creating invoices automatically
            //$invoice = $order->prepareInvoice()->register();
        } else {
            if (!$skipFraudDetection) {
            $this->_updateTotals(array('base_amount_paid_online' => $amount));

But this doesn't seem to work. Invoices are still being generated using credit card payment.

What is the right way to prevent auto invoice generation?

Best Answer

Karl,goto app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Ipn.php
copy to


here magento create invoice on paypal order

find the code:

app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Ipn.php goto function

here create invoice by below code:

if ($invoice = $payment->getCreatedInvoice()) {
            $message = Mage::helper('paypal')->__('Notified customer about invoice #%s.', $invoice->getIncrementId());
            $comment = $order->sendNewOrderEmail()->addStatusHistoryComment($message)

just change it to


here function $payment->getCreatedInvoice() create invoice of an order

or used the extension: