How to Switch Website When Importing Products from CSV in Magento


I have created a new store for wholesale customers. For wholesale customers, I want to set a different price. We can set it by backend manually, when adding a new product by switching website. But I have lots of products. By doing manually, it takes too much time to finish.

How to switch website when importing product from CSV? I have tried with _product_websites, store_id, websites. etc., keyword with the corresponding wholesale id. It changes main store price too.

Have any idea?

Best Answer

For Short answer, you can refer the comments under question.

For detail referrence

First setting price for wholesale to anyone product manually.

Goto catalog->manage products ->enter into anyone product. There, switch website into wholesale.

enter image description here

Here uncheck the use default value checkbox. Then enter wholesale price and hit save button.

Now This product having different price in main store and wholesale store

Then Export this product in system->import/export->Data flow-Profiles ->export all products. Then in profile wizard tab select your wholesale website in store

enter image description here

Then enter that sku in sku field

enter image description here

Then hit save and continue button. And run export. Then you can see that export file in var/export folder. In this excel file, you can see the difference for wholesale. In store field, you have to enter your wholesale website code.

Now make these changes in your new file. And import it again. It will be work. Cheers!

Note: Its only for editing products. Not for adding new products

For model CSV please look at here

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