Magento 2 – How to Translate Only the Storefront


I am translating my Magento 2 website. I would like to keep English for the admin pages, but use another language for the storefront (i.e. the pages customers see). This should mean there will be far fewer phrases to translate, as the admin pages will remain in English.

I am using the Magento command-line tool to generate the translation dictionary:

magento i18n:collect-phrases -o "/var/www/html/magento2/tr_TR.csv" -m

This outputs phrases used on the entire site – i.e. storefront AND admin pages. I would like it to output only the phrases used on the storefront.

Does anyone know if this possible?

Best Answer

This is a good question really, but in the current implementation of the i18n tool there is no option to generate a dictionary for the storefront strings only.

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