Magento 2 Multistore – How to Translate Products for Multiple Stores


I'm trying to set up Magento 2 to handle several stores, and each store in two languages.

Structure is something like this:


How do I translate a product. Most of the documentation I have found on this topic, says I should open the product (the product is in danish as default) change store view to Store1/English and translate the product.

Now this is easy if I have one store. But if I have several stores then I have to translate same product several times.

Is there a better way to do it?

Same problem when translating categories.

Best Answer

look out this.

On the Admin Panel, Products > Inventory > Catalog.

Find the product that need to be translated, and open it in the edit mode. In the upper-left corner, select Store View for the translation display

Click OK to confirm.

In the edit mode, you need:

Uncheck the Use Default Value checkbox in the right of the field. Enter the translated text into the field.

Ensure that all necessary text fields are translated well, including image labels and Alt text, Search Engine Optimization fields and any Custom Options information.

Save to complete.


To make it automate you need to write a script that change product name store level.

Here is an example that works for Magento 1. Hope you got a idea!!

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