Magento – How to update customer address using custom Api in magento2

addresscustomer-addressmagento2magento2.2rest api

I have created custom API to update customer address using customer id or address id.

Below code I used to implement it.


<route url="/V1/address/createUpdate" method="POST">
    <service class="[Vendor]\[Module]\Api\CustomAddressInterface" method="addressUpdate"/>
        <resource ref="anonymous"/>


  namespace [Vendor]\[Module]\Api;

  interface CustomAddressInterface
 * Returns greeting message to user
 * @api
 * @param string $name Users name.
 * @return string Greeting message with users name.
public function name($name);

 * POST for attribute api
 * @param mixed $param
 * @return array

 public function addressUpdate($params);



namespace [Vendor]\[Module]\Model;
use [Vendor]\[Module]\Api\CustomAddressInterface;
use Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface;

class Address implements CustomAddressInterface
protected $_storeManager;
protected $addressFactory;
protected $addressRepository;
protected $customerRepository;
protected $_customer; 
public function __construct(
    \Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager,
    \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
    \Magento\Customer\Model\AddressFactory $addressFactory,
    \Magento\Customer\Api\AddressRepositoryInterface $addressRepository,
    \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository,
    \Magento\Customer\Model\Customer $customer
) {
    $this->_objectManager = $objectManager;
    $this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
    $this->_addressFactory = $addressFactory;
    $this->addressRepository = $addressRepository;
    $this->customerRepository = $customerRepository;
    $this->_customer = $customer;

 * Returns greeting message to user
 * @api
 * @param string $name Users name.
 * @return string Greeting message with users name.
public function name($name) {
    return "Hello, " . $name;

public function addressUpdate($params) {

   public function addressUpdate($params) {
    //return 'Response: ' . json_encode($params);   
    $resultArr = array();
    $paramArr = array();
    $result =  json_encode($params);
    $resultSet = json_decode($result,true);

    $EntType = $resultSet['Entity_Type'];
    $customerId = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['CustomerId'];
    $AddressId = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['AddressId'];

        $resultArr['result'] = "Failed";
        $resultArr['message'] = "customerId shouldn't be empty!!!";
        $paramArr['Magento_ID'] = "";
        $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = "";
        $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;
        echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
        $address1 = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Address'];         
        $address2 = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Address2'];
        $City = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['City'];
        $County = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['County'];
        $PostCode = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['PostCode'];
        $PhoneNo = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['PhoneNo'];
        $Contact = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Contact'];
        $MagentoDefault = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['MagentoDefault'];
        $Initials = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Initials'];
        $FirstName = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['FirstName'];
        $Surname = $resultSet['Entity_Attributes']['Surname'];
            if(isset($AddressId) && $AddressId !=''){
                $address = $this->addressRepository->getById($AddressId);
                $resultArr['message'] = "customer Address saved Sucessfully!!!";
                $paramArr['Address_Id'] = $addressId;
                $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = "";
                $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;
                echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
                $customerObj = $this->_customer->load($customerId);
                $customerAddress = array();
                foreach($customerObj->getAddresses() as $address)
                    $customerAddress[] = $address->toArray();
                $addressId = $customerAddress[0]["entity_id"];
                if(isset($addressId) && $addressId != '' ){
                    $address = $this->addressRepository->getById($addressId);
                    $resultArr['message'] = "customer Address saved Sucessfully!!!";
                    $paramArr['Address_Id'] = $addressId;
                    $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = "";
                    $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;
                    echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
                    $address = $this->_addressFactory->create();//->setStreet(Street)                   


                        $resultArr['message'] = "customer Address saved Sucessfully!!!";
                        $paramArr['Address_Id'] = $address->getId();
                        $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = "";
                        $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;
                        echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

        catch(\Exception $e){
                $resultArr['result'] = "Failed";
                $resultArr['message'] = $e->getMessage();
                $paramArr['Magento_ID'] = '';
                $paramArr['NAV_ID'] = '';
                $resultArr['parameters'] = $paramArr;

        echo json_encode($resultArr,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

I need to update customer address using customerId or addressId, How this can be done? if address id not exist i am trying to get addresId from customerId and updating else i am creating new address for customer.

Here is my request json.

 "params": {
"Entity_Type": "Address",
"Entity_Attributes": {
  "Name": "test",
  "CustomerId": "46897",
  "Address": "test",
  "Address2": "test",
  "City": "Craigavon",
  "County": "test",
  "PostCode": "BT65 5BE",
  "PhoneNo": "656565656565",
  "FirstName": "test",
  "Surname": "test"

Best Answer

You need to call below api for customer address update



Authorization :"Bearer ishamls4xu7pnwhlvup141502tjm3cl2"
Content-Type :"application/json"

Method : PUT

Parameter :

    "id": 2,
    "group_id": 1,
    "default_billing": "1",
    "default_shipping": "2",
    "created_at": "2017-04-26 14:31:22",
    "updated_at": "2018-09-01 08:08:47",
    "created_in": "Default Store View",
    "email": "",
    "firstname": "ABC",
    "lastname": "XYZ",
    "store_id": 1,
    "website_id": 1,
    "addresses": [
            "id": 1,
            "customer_id": 2,
            "region": {
                "region_code": null,
                "region": null,
                "region_id": 0
            "region_id": 0,
            "country_id": "MY",
            "street": [
                "No 545 Jalan balau 27/13",
                "sinar link Taman rinting"
            "company": "Mahnazfood",
            "telephone": "04040404040404",
            "fax": "01010101101010101",
            "postcode": "81750",
            "city": "Masai",
            "firstname": "ABC",
            "lastname": "XYZ",
            "default_billing": true
            "id": 2,
            "customer_id": 2,
            "region": {
                "region_code": null,
                "region": null,
                "region_id": 0
            "region_id": 0,
            "country_id": "MY",
            "street": [
                "Colony#3 Block#126/F",
                "Address 2"
            "company": "Prashant",
            "telephone": "9999999999",
            "fax": "00000000000000",
            "postcode": "45000",
            "city": "Lahore",
            "firstname": "Test",
            "lastname": "Test",
            "default_shipping": true
    "disable_auto_group_change": 0,
    "extension_attributes": {
        "is_subscribed": false

Note: Pass address Id in parameter so it will update existing address, if you not pass address id in parameter it will create new address for customer

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