How to Update Global Prices and Delete Website Prices in Magento


In Magento I configured global prices – 1 price for all websites/stores/languages.
Unfortunately, Magmi imported prices in the website tables (in case there is anything like a website table).
So now I've got global prices if I manually enter a product and I if use Magmi to import a product into two different languages, I've got website scope prices.

Is it somehow possible to delete the website prices and tell Magento (or does it do it by itself) to use the global prices?


Best Answer

First, I would do what Sanders said and change your price scope to "Global". Then, if for whatever reason you have website prices that persists, I would run the following query, which will return all of the non global prices saved on your database.

SELECT d.entity_id AS product_id,d.value AS price
FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal AS d
    INNER JOIN `eav_attribute` AS a
        ON d.`attribute_id` = a.`attribute_id`
WHERE a.`attribute_code` = 'price'
    AND d.store_id != 0

First examine these records, if any. If you're seeing website prices, this query should return some results. If you remove these records, all prices will fall back to the global price (store_id = 0). Proceed with caution and always test it on a dev environment first!

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