How to Upload a File Attachment to Custom Product Attribute Using Magento SOAP


This is in relation to my question; how-to-get-a-products-file-attachments

I'd like to make a script (not on the server) that can utilize the Intellimage_Attachs module in my other question.

I am going to use Magento SOAP if possible.

The problem I'm having at the moment is I can't get/put/update/w.e the product "samples/files".

return $this->handle->call($this->session,'product_custom_option.list', "productnamehere ");

Brings back a blank array on a product I have attachments on :(! Obviously using the wrong soap call, which one would be the correct one?
(as in product_custom_option.list is incorrect, my function works fine with other calls.)



return $this->handle->call($this->session, 'product_downloadable_link.list', array( $sku . " "));

But won't work as the products are not downloadable products, even though they use samples.

Best Answer

In your case you need to implement custom SOAP API endpoint. Luckily you may heavily reuse Downloadable Product API implementation.

If you create all files listed below, you will have new SOAP V2 API available: catalogProductAttachLinkList. To enable add/remove methods, just port them from app/code/core/Mage/Downloadable/Model/Link/Api.php to app/code/community/Intellimage/Attachs/Model/Link/Api.php.

To test new API run one of the following:

/* SOAP V2 Style */
$client = new SoapClient('');
$sessionId = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');
$productId = 1;
$result = $client->catalogProductAttachLinkList($sessionId, $productId);

/* SOAP V1 style. If you want to use this style, you may skip creation of custom wsdl.xml and Api/V2.php files proposed below. Adding api.xml and Api.php will be enough */
$client = new SoapClient('');
$sessionId = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');
$productId = 1;
$result = $client->call($sessionId, 'attach_link.list', [$productId]);

Files to be added to your module:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <catalog_product_attach_link translate="title" module="intellimage_attachs">
                <title>Category API</title>
                    <list translate="title" module="intellimage_attachs">
                        <title>Retrieve links and samples list from attach product</title>

app/code/community/Intellimage/Attachs/etc/wsdl.xml (Please note, that wsi.xml should be created if SOAP V2 WS-I compatibility is necessary)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <catalog_product_attach_link translate="title" module="intellimage_attachs">
                <title>Category API</title>
                    <list translate="title" module="intellimage_attachs">
                        <title>Retrieve links and samples list from attach product</title>



class Intellimage_Attachs_Model_Link_Api_V2 extends Intellimage_Attachs_Model_Link_Api
    protected function _prepareData(&$var)
        if (is_object($var)) {
            $var = get_object_vars($var);
            foreach ($var as $key => &$value) {

    public function add($productId, $resource, $resourceType, $store = null, $identifierType = null)
        return parent::add($productId, $resource, $resourceType, $store, $identifierType);


    class Intellimage_Attachs_Model_Link_Api extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Api_Resource
        public function items($productId, $store = null, $identifierType = null)
            $product = parent::_getProduct($productId, $store, $identifierType);
            $typeInstance = $product->getTypeInstance(true);
            $product->setTypeInstance(Mage::getModel('attachs/product_type', $typeInstance), true);

            $linkArr = array();
            $links = $product->getTypeInstance(true)->getSamples($product);
            $downloadHelper = Mage::helper('downloadable');
            foreach ($links as $item) {
                $tmpLinkItem = array(
                    'link_id' => $item->getId(),
                    'title' => $item->getTitle(),
                    'price' => $item->getPrice(),
                    'number_of_downloads' => $item->getNumberOfDownloads(),
                    'is_shareable' => $item->getIsShareable(),
                    'link_url' => $item->getLinkUrl(),
                    'link_type' => $item->getLinkType(),
                    'sample_file' => $item->getSampleFile(),
                    'sample_url' => $item->getSampleUrl(),
                    'sample_type' => $item->getSampleType(),
                    'sort_order' => $item->getSortOrder()
                $file = Mage::helper('downloadable/file')->getFilePath(
                    Mage_Downloadable_Model_Link::getBasePath(), $item->getLinkFile()

                if ($item->getLinkFile() && !is_file($file)) {

                if ($item->getLinkFile() && is_file($file)) {
                    $name = Mage::helper('downloadable/file')->getFileFromPathFile($item->getLinkFile());
                    $tmpLinkItem['file_save'] = array(
                            'file' => $item->getLinkFile(),
                            'name' => $name,
                            'size' => filesize($file),
                            'status' => 'old'
                $sampleFile = Mage::helper('downloadable/file')->getFilePath(
                    Mage_Downloadable_Model_Link::getBaseSamplePath(), $item->getSampleFile()
                if ($item->getSampleFile() && is_file($sampleFile)) {
                    $tmpLinkItem['sample_file_save'] = array(
                            'file' => $item->getSampleFile(),
                            'name' => Mage::helper('downloadable/file')->getFileFromPathFile($item->getSampleFile()),
                            'size' => filesize($sampleFile),
                            'status' => 'old'
                if ($item->getNumberOfDownloads() == '0') {
                    $tmpLinkItem['is_unlimited'] = 1;
                if ($product->getStoreId() && $item->getStoreTitle()) {
                    $tmpLinkItem['store_title'] = $item->getStoreTitle();
                if ($product->getStoreId() && $downloadHelper->getIsPriceWebsiteScope()) {
                    $tmpLinkItem['website_price'] = $item->getWebsitePrice();
                $linkArr[] = $tmpLinkItem;

            $samples = $product->getTypeInstance(true)->getSamples($product)->getData();
            return array('links' => $linkArr, 'samples' => $samples);
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