Magento – How to upload free magento extension on magento connect


This question may sound very noob, but I am having troubles finding how to upload free extension on magento connect. I have checked magento manuals and magento connect account interface and cannot find where to upload extension files.

I was reading following official magento PDF manual:

Section 3: Uploading Your Free Extension Package

Once you’ve created your extension profile page with the information
required in the section above, you will need to upload your extension
package from the Versions Tab: NOTE: Remember – Your extension must be
packaged under the username of the developer uploading the extension.
Packaging in any other name will result in an error.enter image description here

As you can see there is no "Browse" nor upload button.

Thanks for your help.


Here is 2 more screenshots of our account on magento connect (extension was approved 3 days ago)
enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

I haven't had "upload and save" button just because my extension was not free at first. And after I converted it into "free", magento connect didnt have this option when I tried to edit existing version. So the solution is simple - is to create new version. See screenshot below. Thanks to @Tim & @Fooman.enter image description here

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