Magento 1.7 – Use ‘catalog/image’ Helper Class Features and Cache for Non-Product Images


I know image helper class in catalog module serves good features for image related options like aspectratio, resize, frame etc.. .

My Question is i have images like customer profile image and store image and category images. So, I have to resize these images in various places and to keep its aspectratio for better image quality.

How can i use these functionalities(catalog/image helper class methods) for various images used in magento?


I would like to store these resized images to cache. how can i store this image into cache like product images stored temporarily.

Best Answer

I've worked on a module for that a while ago. You can get it on Github. It extends the Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Image class and uses it's functionalities to edit images.

It's probably what you are looking for.