Magento – How to Use Category Heading Instead of Category Name


There is a field in the backend called "Category Heading" that I would like to use instead of "Category Name" under View. Current code is like

<h1 class="cate"><?php echo $_helper->categoryAttribute($_category, $_category->getName(), 'name') ?></h1>

Please guide me how to fetch it. Also, is there simple documentation for all this stuff?

Best Answer

If you are referring to the category title, you can get it like this:

echo $_helper->categoryAttribute($_category, $_category->getMetaTitle(), 'meta_title'); 

If there is a custom field category header, do like this:

Mage::log(print_r($_category->debug(), true), null, 'category.log', true);

and then go to var/log/category.log and you will find there all the info you need.