Magento 1.9 Theme – How to Use Different Themes for Mobile App and Site


I am new to Magento and I am planning to create a mobile app for my store. Since I cannot build or afford a mobile app for myself, I am planning to build a mobile app that simply redirects to my website but with different theme that I would like to use to make more easy for app users.

If anyone know how this can be done please help me.

Best Answer

Sure, you can do this by Magento admin. Go to System > Configuration > General > Design -> Package and Theme sections.

Click Matched Expression and this:

iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|Palm|Googlebot-Mobile|Mobile|mobile|mobi|Windows Mobile|Safari Mobile|Android|Opera Mini

This settings will be use for detecting Mobile devices.

You can create New Package and Theme for mobile devices as shown below:

enter image description here

From above, create new Package at : \app\design\frontend\mobile_package\

and Theme at : \app\design\frontend\mobile_package\mobile\

For more visit here OR SO answer here