Magento 2 API – How to Use Dynamic Parameter in Custom REST API Module


Here is the url I want to to access the custom rest api.

How do I define webapi.xml & the method parameters in interface?

<route url="/V1/customapi/add/:^filter/:value" method="GET">
    <service class="Custom\Pluginname\Api\CustomInterface" method="add"/>
        <resource ref="anonymous"/>


public function add($filter, $value); 

Is the about parameter filter can be received as a array?

Best Answer

You cannot use array, but you can use mixed as a Valid scalar type

for your example try to use this

in your webapi.xml file use this url [/V1/customapi/add]

your interface

     * @param mixed $filter
     * @return string
    public function add($filter);

put your return type as you need

you model could be

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function add($filter)
        return $filter['1'].$filter['2'];

use the array as you need

end point example



for more details Hope this will help you