Magento – How to use ifconfig multiple times in one action


How to use ifconfig two times in one action?

<action method="setTemplate" ifconfig="example/general/enabled">

Now I want to add another if condition in this action. I have two configuration fields.

If one is set as "yes" and the second is also set as "yes" then my template will be displayed. So how to use two if condition in a layout XML file?

Best Answer

I think it's likely better to allow the setTemplate action to execute based on the example/general/enabled and then wrap the contents of the template in an if statement for the other setting.

File: example/catalog/product/view/examples.phtml

<?php if(Mage::getStoreConfig('example/general/other_setting')):?>
 // do your other stuff
<?php endif;?>

This usually can be tightened up by putting your store config check in a helper or block method that returns the enabled status. You'll see this in Magento as isEnabled or canRender - something descriptive for those who have to manage this code base after you've gone.