Magento 2.2.2 – How to Use Instant Purchase


I have read the release note of Magento 2.2.2 regarding an Instant purchase. But I would like to know more about it.

I know following details about this feature :

Instant Purchase feature allows the Customer to place the order in seconds without going through full checkout. Once clicked, the system places the order using default shipping and billing addresses and stored payment method. The order is placed and a customer gets a confirmation message in the notification area.

Prerequisites to display the Instant Purchase button:
Instant purchase enabled for a store at Store / Configurations / Sales / Sales / Instant Purchase
Customer is logged in
Customer has default shipping and billing address defined
Customer has valid stored payment method with instant purchase support

The question is how instant purchase support may be implemented for any payment method with vault support?

What are the steps we need to make Custom Payment Method compatible with instant purchase?

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