Magento – How to Validate Special Characters in Magento 2 Validation Mixin


I want to validate special characters in a custom validation mixin file (validation-mixin.js)

When I am using this validation mixin for my input field, i.e. a Purchase Order Number in checkout, it shows an error message every time, even though I am using only alphanumeric.

I want for the text field to ONLY accept special characters like
@#$&*()_-{}[]:";',. along with alphanumeric values and white spaces.

Below is my code for validation-mixin.js

], function ($) {
    "use strict";

    return function () {
            function (value) {
                //alert("Data >>> "  +  value);
                // Some custom validation stuff here
                // return utils.isEmptyNoTrim(value) || /^[ \w]{3,}([A-Za-z]\.)?([ \w]*\#\d+)?(\r\n| )[ \w]{3,}/.test(value);
                // return !/p(\s|.){0,2}?o(\s|.){0,2}?.*box|post(\s|.){0,2}?office/i.test(value);
                //return $.mage.isEmptyNoTrim(value) || value.match(/^[0-9 \.-]+$/);
                // return $.mage.isEmptyNoTrim(value) || value.match(/^[ \w]{3,}([A-Za-z]\.)?([ \w]*\#\d+)?(\r\n| )[ \w]{3,}/);
                // return $.mage.isEmptyNoTrim(value) || value.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9!@#$&()`.+,/"-_:;']*$/);
                // return $.mage.isEmptyNoTrim(value) || value.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9!@#$&()\`.+,/"-]*$/);
                //return $.mage.isEmptyNoTrim(value) || value.match(/^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_]+$/);
                return $.mage.isEmptyNoTrim(value) || /^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$/.test(value);
            $.mage.__('Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9), spaces, "#", "$", "&", "(", ")", "-", "_", ":", ";", """, "\'", ",", ".", in this field. Custom >> ')

Please let me know which Regular Expression should be used here.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Try this one

    ], function ($, utils, validator) {
    'use strict';

        function (value) {
            if ($.mage.isEmpty(value)) {
                return true;

            return ^[\s 0-9-_!¡÷?¿,\/\\+=@#$%ˆ^&*(){}|~<>;:"[\]]*$/i.test(value);
        }, $.mage.__('Please enter numbers and special characters.')

    return function () {
            function (value, element) {
                return this.optional(element) || ^[\s 0-9-_!¡÷?¿,\/\\+=@#$%ˆ^&*(){}|~<>;:"[\]]*$/i.test(value);
            $.mage.__('Please enter numbers and special characters.')

Hope this help

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