Magento – How to write conditional statement using {{if}} in the content of CMS page in admin side


I want to show two different contents of a cms page (e.g. about us) in two different themes.
I know it can be possible if I create a template where I can have the theme specific condition and include the template in the cms page as

{{block type="core/template" template="path/to/template.phtml"}} 

But I want the contents for both the theme should be handled in the admin cms page content section.
So is it possible to apply condition for themes using {{if}} syntax in the cms page content section?

I tried to write a simple {{if}} statement for testing but it just printed it in the frontend.

So could anyone suggest what is correct method of writing these statements ?

Best Answer

{{if}} {{else}} {{depend}} are conditional macros for use in transactional email templates. They are not used in constructing CMS pages.

For more information on conditional use in transactional emails

Common CMS Macros AKA ShortCodes or Markup Tags do not include conditional statements. If you want them, you must create .phtml blocks and reference them with a CMS Macro that calls the block.