Magento – How to write inner join query in collection method (magento2)


How to write this query in magento2 collection method?

SELECT o.increment_id , h.status, h.created_at
FROM sales_order AS o
INNER JOIN sales_order_status_history AS h ON h.parent_id = o.entity_id
WHERE o.entity_id = 530 AND h.status = 'processing_closed'; 

I have this function filter records/reports of sales, I want to change condition and defined above query here in collection method :

public function applyBaseFilters($collection)
                'period' =>'DAYNAME(created_at)',
                'total_orders' => 'COUNT(entity_id)',
                'total_items' => 'SUM(total_item_count)',
                'subtotal' => 'SUM(base_subtotal)',
                'tax' => 'SUM(base_tax_amount)',
                'status' => 'status',
                'shipping' => 'SUM(base_shipping_amount)',
                'discounts' => 'SUM(base_discount_amount)',
                'total' => 'SUM(base_grand_total)',
                'invoiced' => 'SUM(base_total_invoiced)',
                'refunded' => 'SUM(base_total_refunded)',
                'entity_id' => 'CONCAT(entity_id,\''.$this->createUniqueEntity().'\')'

         $collection->addFieldToFilter('status', 'processing_closed');

Please guide I am a beginner, thanks.


I think I am so closely with the query but now I am facing this error on the screen using this query.

// note this join clause!
    'main_table.entity_id = sales_order_status_history.parent_id',
->where("sales_order_status_history.status = 'processing_closed'");

Error :
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'created_at' in group statement is ambiguous, query was: SELECT main_table.*, sales_order_status_history.created_at FROM sales_order AS main_table
INNER JOIN sales_order_status_history ON main_table.entity_id = sales_order_status_history.parent_id WHERE (sales_order_status_history.status = 'processing_closed') AND (main_table.created_at >= '2018-04-05 19:00:00') AND (main_table.created_at <= '2018-04-13 18:59:59') GROUP BY DAYNAME(created_at)
Exception #1 (PDOException): SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'created_at' in group statement is ambiguous

Best Answer

Change following way:

// note this join clause!
    'main_table.entity_id = sales_order_status_history.parent_id',
->where("sales_order_status_history.status = 'processing_closed'");
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