Magento – How tomprove Native Magento Search Functionality


I'm trying to establish what the best practices are for promoting relevant search results on a new installation of magento. On a code level, are there any recommendations for:

  • core-overrides or
  • event-observers

Which you'd recommend implementing to promote more relevance in search results? I've gone the route of setting search type to Like & Fulltext as well as minimizing the number of searchable attributes.

Unfortunately I'm still not very happy with the search results and definitely think that there is room for improvement.

Would appreciate any pointers.

Best Answer

The key problem of native magento search is that search use "OR" logic. I.e. if you receive correct results for search phrase with one word, you will receive wrong result for search phrase with 2+ words.

You can change search logic in core file Fulltext.php (code/core/Mage/CatalogSearch/Model)

Or use ready solution (Mirasvit Sphinx Search Ultimate) with much better search logic/algorithm

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