Magento – How Update on Save Indexing Works


In enterprise 1.14 version of Magento, we are using flat tables and reindexing is achieved by cron job and from command line i.e php indexer.php reindexall. But when I am trying the "update on save" option for reindexing, indexing process is not working when a product is saved. Why it is so? Which methods are responsible for the update on save indexing process and how I can debug this.


Best Answer

Update on Save is handled by an observer. Check out this class: Enterprise_Catalog_Model_Index_Observer_Category_Product

Below I've listed the methods you will want to take a look at, and after each method I have listed the events that those methods are attached to.

  • processProductSaveEvent
    • enterprise_product_flat
    • enterprise_catalog_category_product
    • enterprise_product_price
  • processUpdateWebsiteForProduct
    • enterprise_catalog_category_product_website
  • processCategorySaveEvent
    • enterprise_category_flat
    • enterprise_catalog_category_product
    • enterprise_catalog_category_product

Hopefully this is enough to help you debug the issue!

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