Magento – If Condition with “==” in Email Template {{depend}}


I am using simple if condition in email template.

{{depend order.delivery_time=="1"}}

Delivery Time: 10am To 2pm

{{/depend}} {{depend order.delivery_time=="2"}}

Delivery Time: 2pm To 7pm

{{/depend}} {{depend order.delivery_time=="3"}}

Delivery Time: 7pm To 10pm


But every time it is printing 1st value i.e. Delivery Time: 10am To 2pm

Can anyone tell me, how to check == in email template?

Best Answer

You cannot use logical expressions in depend (unfortunately neither in if as one comment suggested)

  • {{depend X}}...{{/depend}} output content in between only if variable X is true-ish (note that you cannot use logical expressions here, just variables or methods on variables.

From this answer, which covers more details of template directives:

So the only way I see to achieve what you are trying is to add three variables. For example:

in PHP code (probably best in an load_after observer):

$order->setData('delivery_time_1', $order->getDeliveryTime() == '1');
$order->setData('delivery_time_2', $order->getDeliveryTime() == '2');
$order->setData('delivery_time_3', $order->getDeliveryTime() == '3');

then in the email template:

{{depend order.delivery_time_1}}

Delivery Time: 10am To 2pm

{{depend order.delivery_time_2}}

Delivery Time: 2pm To 7pm

{{depend order.delivery_time_3}}

Delivery Time: 7pm To 10pm
