Magento – image resize in Magento 1.9


Right now when I upload an image into a Magento product at 920 x 1380 and I go to the Product display page it displays the image at 500 x 750 it scales down the image in proportion

The end Image size I want on the Product display page is 390 x 585 this is also in proportion to the 920 x 1380

How can I do this?

If found that i needed to edit the media.phtml file but when I do that the image size is to small to trigger the zoom feature. So now how do I get the image size on the product page to be 390 x 585 and have the zoom feature? The Image size I am loading into magento is big enought for the zoom feature. The image is 920 x 1380

Best Answer

Please check code which is below for Product image resizeing.

echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_product, 'small_image')->resize(390, 585);
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