Magento 2 Image Resize Issue


I have the following situation:

I have set my images size for single page in view.xml let say 2000×2000


The image now is ok, and is 2000×2000.

My problem:

If a will upload a image with 1200×800, or another values the images look stretch or small and looks really wierd.

Is there a solution to avoid the resize? or can be set a "auto" value in view xml?

What i want, is to upload a picutres, and afert this I want the original size to be shown on the page.

Is this possible?

Best Answer

I am not sure if this will help because I have a different version, but if you go into you

System > Configuration > Theme settings > Category view/Images 

Make sure you have yes for "Keep Image Aspect Ratio" - "Image aspect ratio size" to square rectangle and set the image width (recommended 270) and height (recommended 365), this should help without you having to resize any images.

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