Magento – Fix Image Upload Error Unable to Create Directory


I am very new to magento. I have created one magento store, that is working fine in the localhost. But in server it's working fine except product image upload. I can able to create new product but product images are not uploading. I got this error:

unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/…/httpdocs/media/tmp/catalog/product/…

Please refer the following screenshot.

enter image description here

Tried out following:

  1. Checked the /media folder permission that is in 777
  2. Changed the php_value memory_limit 128M to 256M in .htaccess
  3. GD library is installed
  4. Changed attribute scope of small image, large image, thumbnail scope (panel -> Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage attributes) from stroe view to global
  5. Tried this link.

Still am not get any solution. It wasted my time around 2 days.

Please any one help me.

Best Answer

Finally I got solution at 22-Aug-2014.

Problem is PHP version issue, megento need php 5.2.13 but my server contains php 5.2.12

After updated php version, image upload working fine.