Magento – Images 404-Not Found


I just installed a fresh copy of Magento Now my issue is when I try to upload any image, be it product, category, transactional email, ect. it gives me the little broken image placeholder. Now the steps I have tried so far:

Changed \media folder to 777
Flushed all Cache (Magento and images)
Read endless questions on similar issues but to no avail.
This is happening in the frontend and Admin
I have checked the link it creates to the image and when I put that in the address bar it gives me a "404 not found" error.
I have checked that the image is indeed uploaded to the folder that the site is pointing to. If I upload an image directly to the server via FTP i.e. my logo it works fine. but nothing uploaded by Admin works.
Note: I have had Magento running on this server previously, but it is one to two versions older.

URL is – In case you want to take a look

Can anyone give me some direction here.

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer


You need to check the differences between the VERSIONS in use on the working vs. broken sites AND ONLY then check the two .htaccessfiles to see what might be different. There are backwards-incompatible changes affecting the the way Magento interacts with apache's mod_rewrite module and the configuration directives the three files that could have something to do with what's going on.

But there's no point in spending any time worrying about any of that if your "working" sites on that host are running an older version vs. the "broken" one. Figure that out, and you'll know if you need to do a lot of troubleshooting or just re-work your theme customizations to work with the specifics of


Ok, so now that's out of the way, I'm going to remove all the other potential troubleshooting steps until we get the above confirmed. No point in filling this up with theoretical stuff just yet,