Magento – Images missing on front-end


I've been migrating products from Magento 1.7 to 2.1 using a series of scripts I've written.

The image migration stage appeared to work correctly – the images were copied into their relevant directories, and show up in the back-end when you edit a product.

However, they don't appear on the front end, which just shows a single placeholder image. I've tried clearing the cache, reindexing, deploying static files, using different themes, all to no avail.

Has anybody else had this problem and found a solution?

Edit: I tried adding a product manually through the admin interface, and it did appear on the product page.

Best Answer

I was facing the same issue, I imported the products using csv, my images are displayed in admin but not on frontend.

When I update the product manually from admin, product images start showing that means there was something missing in db that is stopping images to get displayed.

I debug with db in "CATALOG_PRODUCT_ENTITY_VARCHAR" table and found attribute_id 155, 156 missing in imported file, 155 is product_page_type=default & 156 is product_image_size = 0, you can eav_attribute table for 155, 156.

As soon as I added these attributes in csv in additional_attribute column, and imported the csv again.

then reindex the magento, clear cache and everything works good.

Thanks Rahul

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