Magento – Images not showing in admin Product Information page for some admin users


I have a situation where two admin users can go into a Product Information page and see the product images in the Images tab – when rolling over the image – but two other users can't see them.

For the users who see them the record in the Images table is visible. For the other two users, it looks like the image record is not there.

Here are screenshots for the same product for the two different users.

No Images:

No images



They all have the message "Image type and information need to be specified for each store view" on screen. Whether or not that is an issue I don't know.

The only other difference for the two user types is that the ones that can't see the images have a reduced permissions role – taking out the dashboard, reports & config. However I have bumped them up to full admin rights and flushed the cache and still, they can't see the images.

Does anyone have any idea?

Best Answer

As stated in the comments, this may be a Flash issue. The image display functionality in the admin is theoretically not really related to Flash, but the missing Flash plugin causes errors which prevent the display of the images. If you are on newer Ubuntu versions (like 14.04 as the time of writing), make sure you have the packages flashplugin-installer as well as pepperflashplugin-nonfree installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer pepperflashplugin-nonfree

Afterwards, restart your browser and try again.