Magento – implementing xcache to speed up magento


I'm using Magento ver. on a 64-bit Centos box with litespeed web server. Recently I re-compiled easyapache to include xcache for the purpose of increasing site speed. However now I'm not sure if there's something "additional" I need to do within magento config file (local.xml) as googling for answers is some what unclear. Many users report "add memcache" while some say "add memcache or APC" and then provide config local.xml config settings for APC. So, I'd like to know if enabiling xcache via easyapache is all that is needed to benefit magento's speed, or if I need to also edit the config file?

For example, do I add something like the following?


***Edit: adding my COMPLETE local.xml file below … please let me know what to edit exactly. The "X's" represent sensitive data that I have commented out.

      <date><![CDATA[XXX, XX XXX XXXX XX:XX:XX +0000]]></date>
          <initStatements><![CDATA[SET NAMES utf8]]></initStatements>

Best Answer

The best thing to do is look at the app/etc/local.xml.additional file which is a reference file that ships with the codebase. Of particular interest in your case:

    <!-- ... -->
        <backend></backend><!-- apc / memcached / xcache / empty=file -->
        <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->

Which lets you know that there is an xcache cache backend available.

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