Magento – Import csv issue (product.php on line 1407)


I just install the magento 1.9.2 and try to import my csv file through System -> Import – > Import.

I received the following error message:

Notice: Undefined index: _attribute_set  in /app/code/core/Mage/ImportExport/Model/Import/Entity/Product.php on line 1407

everything worked fine with the 1.9.1

Here is the code in line 1407 and 1408

if (!is_null($rowData[self::COL_ATTR_SET])) {
    $previousAttributeSet = $rowData[Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product::COL_ATTR_SET];

any suggestion?

Best Answer

Repeat the Attribute set value in all rows (keep the header : _attribute_set), it fixed the issue for me.